#7 Tapping into the Power of Intrinsic Motivation (Part 1 of the Motivation Series)

#7 Tapping into the Power of Intrinsic Motivation (Part 1 of the Motivation Series)

Welcome to a new episode of the 3x5 Leadership Podcast, where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. Listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify! You can also watch it on YouTube

Why do you work? More importantly, why do your people work? Do you know what motivates them?

As leaders, we are called to inspire and help others align to our organization’s mission. We can’t do that if we don’t know what motivates them. So, we need to understand motivation and how to generate it in healthy and sustainable ways.

So, we are kicking off a 3-part series which explores some important things leaders need to understand about motivation. And we start by comparing extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is a source that generates commitment in others, rather than simply compliance. And it should be something leaders aim to cultivate. In today’s episode, we look at what intrinsic motivation, why it’s important, and a few strategies leaders can employ to begin building it with others.

Thanks for joining us.

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Take care, friends, and lead well.