Become a Sponsor

Get Noticed by Over 20,000 Leaders Every Week

3x5 Leadership broadcasts to over 3,600 leaders via email every week with a 58.7% open rate and 5.8% conversion (click) rate. We net an average of 40-50 new email subscribers per month.

Our subscribers come from a variety of backgrounds to include military, government, emergency services, health care, business consulting, and grade school and higher education. 

Additionally, we connect with over 18,000 leaders across five social media platforms (Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram) seven days a week. 

And we just started a podcast in January 2023, which will add another engaging outlet to message your brand.

Your brand will get noticed. 

Align with an Intentional, Character-Based Business

We champion intentional leaders who create significant impacts, in whatever space they lead. We want to make our world a better place by helping others to live, lead, and learn more intentionally. 

And we would love to partner with businesses with the same goal in mind. 

Learn more about us and our team on our About Page.

We are a brand you can be proud to partner with.

A Variety of Sponsoring Options to Fit Your Needs

We provide a variety of outlet options to share your brand through. Get noticed through sponsoring:

  • Weekly emails
  • Bi-weekly podcast episodes
  • YouTube videos
  • Social media advertisements

We can tailor your sponsorship to fit your needs. 

Ready to Partner with Us as a Sponsor?

We Look Forward to Working with You!

We would love to explore a partnership relationship with your business. Email our chief executive, Josh Bowen, and our chief of staff, JJ Morgan, at [email protected] and [email protected] today! Or you can reach out through our Contact Page. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Contact Us